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David L. Cotton, CPA, CFE, CGFM

Chairman Emeritus

Cotton & Company

David L. Cotton, CPA, CFE, CGFM, is an accountant with Cotton, a Sikich Company, headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. He has performed grant and contract, indirect cost rate, financial statement, financial related, and performance audits for more than two dozen Federal inspectors general as well as numerous other Federal and State agencies and programs.

Dave received a BS in mechanical engineering (1971) and an MBA in management science and labor relations (1972) from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA. He also pursued graduate studies in accounting and auditing at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business (1977 to 1978).

Dave served on the Advisory Council on Government Auditing Standards (the Council advises the United States Comptroller General on promulgation of Government Auditing Standards—GAO’s yellow book) from 2006 to 2009. He served on the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Anti-Fraud Programs and Controls Task Force and co-authored Managing the Business Risk of Fraud: A Practical Guide. He served on the American Institute of CPAs Anti-Fraud Task Force and co-authored Management Override: The Achilles Heel of Fraud Prevention.

Dave is the past-chair of the AICPA Federal Accounting and Auditing Subcommittee and has served on the AICPA Governmental Accounting and Auditing Committee and the Government Technical Standards Subcommittee of the AICPA Professional Ethics Executive Committee.

Dave chaired the Fraud Risk Management Task Force, sponsored by COSO and ACFE and is a principal author of the COSO-ACFE Fraud Risk Management Guide. Dave has testified as an expert in governmental accounting, auditing, and fraud issues before the United States Court of Federal Claims and other administrative and judicial bodies. He has been an instructor for the George Washington University masters of accountancy program (Fraud Examination and Forensic Accounting), and has instructed for the George Mason University Small Business Development Center (Fundamentals of Accounting for Government Contracts).

Dave was the recipient of the ACFE 2018 Certified Fraud Examiner of the Year Award (“presented to a CFE who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the field of 2 fraud examination … based on their contributions to the ACFE, to the profession, and to the community”).


Product Type
Live Webcast Replay

ACPEN Signature 2025: The Risk of Fraud in State & Local Government

Total Credits: 8 including 8 Auditing (Governmental) - Technical

Average Rating:
ACPEN Signature |  Accounting and Auditing |  ACPEN Industry Institute
Frank Crawford, CPA |  David L. Cotton, CPA, CFE, CGFM |  Mr. Dennis F. Dycus, CFE, CPA, CGFM |  Daniel Porter |  Cindy Byrd
8 Hours
$250.00 - Member

Product Type
Live Webcast

ACPEN Signature 2025: Single Audit and Uniform Guidance Issues Update

Total Credits: 8 including 8 Auditing (Governmental) - Technical

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
ACPEN Signature |  Accounting and Auditing |  Yellow Book
Frank Crawford, CPA |  David L. Cotton, CPA, CFE, CGFM
8 Hours
$250.00 - Member

Wed, May 28, 2025 - 09:00am to 05:00pm CDT

Product Type
Live Webcast

ACPEN Signature 2025-2026: Business Fraud Update and Managing the Risk of Fraud

Total Credits: 8 including 8 Accounting - Technical

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
ACPEN Signature
David L. Cotton, CPA, CFE, CGFM
8 Hours
$250.00 - Member

Wed, Sep 17, 2025 - 09:00am to 05:00pm CDT

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