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Jeffrey D. Mechanick, CPA, M.B.A.

Assistant Director for Nonpublic Entities

Federal Accounting Standards Board

Jeffrey D. Mechanick, CPA, is Assistant Director for Nonpublic Entities at the FASB. In that role, he provides strategic and technical oversight of all activities involving not-for-profit (NFP) organizations and private companies, chairs the FASB’s Not-forProfit Advisory Committee, oversees support of the Private Company Council, and participates in some of the FASB’s broader outreach activities. He is also a member of the Technical Advisory Group of the International Financial Reporting for Nonprofit Organizations initiative (#IFR4NPO). Jeff has also been the overall lead staff member for the Blue-Ribbon Panel on Standard Setting for Private Companies and the FASB/IASB Financial Crisis Advisory Group.


Prior to joining the FASB staff in 2006, Jeff spent 20 years working in and with the notfor-profit sector, as the CFO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., and before that, as a Senior Manager with KPMG, LLP, in the firm’s New York office. From 1992 to 1994, he served as the National Technical Senior Manager for the firm’s Higher Education, Research, and Other Not-for-Profit Organizations (HERON) practice. He is also a past member of the AICPA’s NFP Expert Panel. Jeff received his MBA from Rutgers University and his AB from the University of Chicago, and he is a member of the AICPA and the New York State Society of CPAs. He is also an adjunct instructor in Columbia University’s MS program in Nonprofit Management.

Product Type
Live Webcast

ACPEN Signature 2025: Not-for-Profit Accounting, Auditing & Tax Update

Total Credits: 8 including 3 Accounting - Technical, 2 Auditing- Technical, 1 Regulatory Ethics - Technical, 2 Taxes - Technical

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ACPEN Signature |  IRS Approved |  Tax
C. Clinton Davis, CPA, JD |  Jeffrey D. Mechanick, CPA, M.B.A. |  J. Michael Inzina, CPA, CGFM, CGMA
8 Hours
$250.00 - Member

Wed, Jun 11, 2025 - 09:00am to 05:00pm CDT

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